EVERY sunday from 5th november to deceMBER 17th 2023
The peacemakers Circle
The Peacemakers Circle is a Tounché initiative creating a sacred space for learning from Peacebuilding experts & activists some of the necessary and most effective tools to become active agents of Peace in our families and communities.
Every Sunday - ONLINE & IN-PERSON
7-9PM (Bali) | 1-3PM (South Africa) | 12-2PM (Western Europe) | 11am-1PM (UK) | 6-8AM (EST/East Coast US) | 3-5AM (Los angeles)
“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.”
“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”
When so much harm and injustice have been inflicted, we can be hopeless and believe that Peace is not attainable. please Read and watch some of the stories below that inspire us and join us every week for the PEACEMAKERS CIRCLE so we can create more victorious stories.
Rwanda genocide: 'I forgave my husband's killer - our children married'
The Peacemakers Circle focuses on EDUCATION, INTROSPECTION and HEALING. It is FREE and OPEN TO ALL.
This circle is for you if you would like to:
Understand the mechanisms of war and peace learning from experts (incl. behavioral neuroscience) and front-line Peacemakers.
Learn some of the most effective tools and techniques both PREVENTIVE and PROACTIVE, to be a promoter of Peace in your family and community.
Some of the preventive skills include conflict prevention, foundations of social cohesion & cultural dialogue, socioaffective intelligence, moral intelligence, adaptive intelligence, empathy building, fostering a peaceful and harmonious environment, etc.
Some of the proactive skills include non-violent communication, restorative justice, deep/adaptive listening, mediating disputes, facilitating reconciliation between conflicting parties, building consensus, etc.
Do the necessary inner work to help dismantle the roots of conflict within yourself and cultivate inner Peace.
some elements of PEACEBUILDING
This circle is a judgement-free and safe space for you to:
Share your experiences, fears, anxieties, ask questions related to conflict and peace building.
Expand your knowledge of the conscious and unconscious tenants of war and conflicts and provide you with a list of resources to help you on your journey to becoming an active Peacemaker.
If you are a Peacemaking expert, facilitator or healer, in contributing your gifts to the circle, you:
Share practical Peacemaking tools.
Create a safe environment in which all feel safe to share their truth.
Provide effective tools and exercises for exploring and healing our individual and shared responsibilities in conflicts.
The format of our gathering is weekly online meetings (Zoom).
Each session is 2 hours - structured in 4 parts:
Grounding Practice by Souzan Kachabi or Solle Weller (5min)
Knowledge Sharing by Expert (1.5hr)
Q&A and Group Discussion (20min)
A Cultivate Peace Practice by Souzan Kachabi or Solle Weller (5min)
Each circle will be facilitated by a different expert. See schedule below.
the circles took place at lineage library & gallery-cafe in ubud, bali
A soulful space created by Mallence Bart-Williams
Our guest experts to the circle include:
05/11: DR. REBEKAH GRANGER-ELLIS - Neuroscience of Leadership & Systems Evolution - Johns Hopkins University, UNICEF, World Bank - Foundations for Social Cohesion and Cultural Dialogue
12/11: ERICA FORD - Anti-Violence Activist, CEO and Founder, LIFE Camp, Inc.
19/11: JESSE WIENS CHU - Trainer in Mindfulness & Nonviolent Communication for everyday life
26/11: CANDICE HALLIDAY BRYANT - Himalayan Kriya Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Women’s Circle Holder
03/12: CATHERINE SHOVLIN - End of Life Doula, Energy Healer and Author of “SACRED DEATH”
10/12: PIERRE PRADERVAND - Writer, speaker and workshop leader in the area of personal development and spirituality
17/12: POOVEN MOODLEY - International human rights and environmental lawyer
VISIT THE BELOW WEBSITES FOR FREE RESOURCES TO support you on your journey to become an effective PEACEMAKER and PEACEBUILDER
Gandhi-King Global Academy
“Peace is complex multifaceted and can be a lengthy process. It is both and inner and an outer journey. Peace building is an important skill that can be learned and developed.
In becoming skilled Peacemakers, we can actively work to resolve conflict, prevent violence and promote Peace, and eventually eradicate wars.”